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Lodge History


A Masonic Lodge is an assembly or organized body of Freemasons duly congregated for labor or for business. While other definitions of a lodge exist, the primary concern of this brief history is the lodge members, their eforts in promoting Freemasonry, and the cumulative effect of their efforts.

Abbreviations used:

  • R.W.G.M. - Right Worshipful Grand Master
  • R.W.D.G.M. - Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master
  • R.W. - Right Worshipful (as in Right Worshipful Grand Master)
  • R.W.G.S. - Right Worshipful Grand Secretary
  • D.D.G.M. - District Deputy Grand Master
  • W.M. - Worshipful Master
  • S.W. - Senior Warden
  • J.W. - Junior Warden
  • P.M. - Past Master
  • F. & A. M. - Free and Accepted Masons
  • I.O.O.F. - International Order of Odd Fellows

The following pages are derived from a document that was prepared by Philip B. Lovett, PM, as a part of the 75th Anniversary Celebration of State College Lodge No. 700, Free and Accepted Masons.

The gestation period of State College Lodge No. 700, from conception to warranting, was a remarkably short period. This is even more remarkable when one considers that two Grand Lodge Officers expressed concerns regarding the feasibility of constituting a lodge in State College. Their primary concern was the possible adverse effects that would come to Bellefonte Lodge No. 268 and Old Fort Lodge No. 537. At present, 75 years later, it is apparent that those fears were groundless; Bellefonte Lodge, Old Fort Lodge and State College Lodge are alive and strong.

One must not assume that after January 21, 1920 State College Lodge grew without problems. This is basically not true. Tabular data indicates that the lodge grew from 55 Charter Members in January, 1920, to 179 members at the end of 1924. During this five year period the lodge rejected 72 petitions, withdrew 10, declared 3 Null and Void, and had 11 members resign, or be suspended or expelled. This type of activity indicates a division in the make-up of the lodge members! This division was basically inherent in the composition of the Borough of State College during that period. The two sides are even mentioned 75 years later, but without the same vehemence that existed earlier in 1920. The division was the "Town vs. Gown" factions. Any of the older lodge members can recall the Worshipful Master alignment that existed: A "Town" Master followed by a "Gown" Master. The last apparent vestiges of this situation, with a few exceptions, were no longer in operation after 1965.

One other facet of this division was revealed in a communication from Brother Charles A. Lamm, P.M. To quote, "To recall an incident at the time I petitioned to become a member there was a rumor of an element of friction between 'Town and Gown' and I was advised to have a representative of town and also of gown on my petition. I dutifully obtained the same and fortunately was admitted". Brother Charles A. Lamm was initiated in September, 1930.

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